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May update


There are many reasons for us to get involved with evangelism: we are commanded to (Mat 28 v 19), we should have compassion to (Mat 9 v 36), we are compelled to (2 Cor 5 v 14), we have Christ’s example too (John 20 v 21).  But another reason to we can find tucked away in the tiny book of Philemon which I think is particularly apt for people who say evangelism is not for them and focus on their own journey with Jesus.  Different versions do say it in different ways but the old NIV says “I pray that you will be active in sharing your faith so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.”

So put simply we won’t have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ if we are not active in sharing our faith.  We will miss out being like Him as He certainly was active in sharing his faith.  We will miss out growing our faith by not taking a risk and say something to someone about our faith.  We will miss out the joy of someone wanting to know about knowing Jesus for themselves.

If we are not active in sharing our faith, we won’t be complete.
Miss it.  Miss out.

 Ways you and your Church can get involved….

Thy Kingdom come prayer week
From 8th – 15th May the Church of England is encouraging churches and individuals to pray for us to share confidently and joyfully our life transforming faith and pray for people who don’t share our faith.  Lots of good practical ideas on the website like tying 5 knots in a piece of string to remind us to pray for 5 people.

Called to serve conference Chelmsford

Called Out is a conference exploring what it means to live out our calling as Christians in the world.  Every single one of us has a vocation, a purpose in life given by God. Sometimes this is formal ministry in the Church but much more often our calling is lived out in our daily lives, in our families, in our workplace, in our community.

Chelmsford Diocese Certificate of evangelism training
Especially for people from Church of England churches, this is a training course mixing theology, theory and practice to encourage and equip people and churches to share their faith with their community.  Warning: I am involved in leading it.

Thanks for your prayers and support.



5th March Evangelism in contemporary society training morning for United Evangelical churches in Essex.  A great morning with some great questions, contributions, laughs, reflections and encouragements for all of us there.  Please pray that these churches will follow up the morning and put some of the things we talked about into action.

13th March Sharing faith workshop at St Luke’s to encourage the team for the forthcoming family outreach event to try and have more faith related conversations.

16th March Planning meeting about enquirers course in the summer with St Luke’s – please pray that people the church has made contacts with in the local area will come and explore faith.

19th March Spoke at St Luke’s family outreach event the day before Palm Sunday – as a donkey of course.

20th April Met with St Michael’s evangelism team to review the year – some really encouraging things have happened and stories shared.


7th May Supporting Called to serve conference with south western Chelmsford Church of England churches
9th May St Luke’s planning meeting for summer enquirers course
15th May Stand at Churches Together in Chelmsford’s AGM
22nd May Preaching at Kelvedon URC

If you would like regular evangelism ideas for you and your church, please sign up to receive the monthly update.

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