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Be prepared

You never know when someone could ask you a question that could change their life.

I have to be mindful working in a secondary school that there are many people around me with different views of life, in a structured environment with policies, procedures and guidance and with the shadow of social media. I never hide my focus on Jesus in life but I have to listen, to God and to people, when to shine the light on it.

I have known a student for a while who sometimes comes to my office (as a few students do) and stops for a chat about school and about life (as a few students do).  One time soon before the latest teacher strike day, they asked me if I was striking.  I said that in my current role, I am not a teacher but I used to be.  They asked me what I used to teach and I said “R.E.”, as it used to be called back in the day. They then asked the question, that I had to be prepared for.  “Are you religious then?”  They seemed surprised.  I am not sure if that was a compliment.  I said that I am not religious, but believing in Jesus has been a life changer for me.  They then proceeded to ask me a whole load of questions about Jesus, the Bible, God, the Church, Trump and salvation.

In that setting they asked and I answered.  They seemed fascinated, intrigued, perceptive and open.
Will it change their life?
God knows.

But we have to be prepared, to live for Jesus and to be ready at any time in any place with anyone to give reasons for the hope that we have in Jesus (1 Peter 3 v 15).
Are you prepared?

What’s been happening

Prison Planning
I have been facilitating some people from Life Church consider serving the Chelmsford prison community somehow.  I have met with the chaplain co-ordinator (visiting the prison is always very sobering), set up a meeting with another church who work in there and am arranging for the interested people to visit the prison.

Youth event speaking
I spoke about sharing faith at school to young people from about 5 different schools from about 5 different churches.  Please pray for Christian young people to be strong in and for Jesus in schools.

Word on the Street talking
A team of 8 of us from 5 churches went into Chelmsford High Street in April and had some fantastic conversations with people about Jesus.  Please pray for a lady asking some great questions and a pagan non – binary person that I spoke with in particular.

Life Church motivating

A weekend of training and encouraging was led by Elim’s National Evangelist Mark Greenwood.  Please pray that it will have long term impact on people to share their faith and won’t be a lift then drop.

Evangelism Group meeting
Evangelism sort of people have met up a couple of times to share stories of work with homeless people, enquiring people, praying people, passing by people, families and friends.  These are always encouraging times to hear what God is doing through different people.

Church at Car Boot Sale training
I met with the team who run this to encourage them to talk with people who come and buy coffee from them on Sunday mornings, about life, God and Jesus.  The drinks may be great but Jesus is the food for life.  I don’t think I quite said that…

What’s coming up

In the next couple of months:

Word on the Street 27th May and 8th July 
Please pray for more opportunities to talk with people, the team to grow and wisdom for decisions about the future development of this ministry.

Evangelism Group meeting 7th June

Preaching at Great Wakering Evangelical Church 25th June and Great Leighs Free Church on 9th July about making disciples
I have worked for a few years with these churches.  Please pray for an increasing heart and focus for the communities around them

Meeting with Transforming Essex team to discuss training and evangelism
A couple of planned training sessions have been cancelled due to lack of take up and communication.  Please pray for wisdom for how to encourage evangelism in this network of churches.

Plans for a water bottle handout and Community event in July and August with Life Church

Need help?

If you or your church:

Struggles to talk to people in everyday life about Jesus?

Puts on evangelistic events at various times but sharing Jesus with people is rarely done or talked about most of the time?

Never prays about, never talks about or is never visibly seen to do evangelism?

Then please do contact me to discuss how I might be able to help or pass on my details to someone in your church to contact me.


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