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Evangelism Ideas

Dive into 25

Often the latest evangelism ideas can be the ‘same old same old’, or nothing to do with communicating the gospel at all or the latest great thing that will change the world (but won’t). I read about Chrisie Richardson in a recent LWPT (Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust) update, who is based in Southampton…Read More

Summer update

I love stories.  I heard one recently talking to a (relatively) young man with a young family, that he had taken years and years to realise God was real and to put his faith in Jesus.  He said that he then told his uncle that he had become Christian and the uncle replied that was great as he had been praying for him for 20 years…Read More


The year 2024 has much going for it for Evangelism Consultancy  – plans for a new evangelism event run by churches working together in the centre of Chelmsford, more dates given by the council for Word on the Street when they are only supposed to have given one, discussions about trying to support evangelists in Essex more…Read More

Culture Club

I remember watching Top of the Pops.  It was once the only pop music programme on television – imagine that.  I remember some iconic moments – Jeffrey Daniel from the group Shalamar doing robotic dancing, a guitarist falling over the drum kit and the lead singer of the band Culture Club Boy George’s first appearance.  We had never seen…Read More

Be prepared

You never know when someone could ask you a question that could change their life. I have to be mindful working in a secondary school that there are many people around me with different views of life, in a structured environment with policies, procedures and guidance and with the shadow of social media…Read More

Stronger together

Are you a team player or an independent worker? I have heard arguments for both. Independently, it is just about you, you don’t have to worry about relying on anyone else. With a team it is not just about you, you an rely on everyone else.
Which are you? Which are you when it comes to evangelism?…Read More

It’s Christmas!!!!

I saw a Nativity figure set for sale in a Garden Centre.  It was marked “No Jesus” and reduced to £7.99.  It made me sort of laugh and sort of cry. Have a think who you know who is celebrating Christmas this year who does not know the One who is to be celebrated for who He is and what He has done for everyone by coming to earth…Read More

Spot the difference?

Please have a read of the book of Acts chapter 1 verses 12 – 26. Then have a read of the book of Acts chapter 2 verses 42 – 47.
Spot the difference? One is focused on fellowship, praying, the bible and Church leadership. One has all that plus a focus on everyone, anyone, all the people and people being saved. Spot the difference? One is in a room.,,
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Talking Jesus

Talking Jesus was a national survey carried out by a group of Church leaders in 2015 asking people who were Christians and people who were not Christians about their attitudes to Jesus, the Church and conversations about faith. The survey was repeated this year and here are some highlights / lowlights that I picked out: …Read More

Cross reflections

Just before Christmas it was announced in the media that a heel bone had been discovered at a Roman archaeological dig in Cambridgeshire, England.  The heel bone was unique as it is the only one outside of one found in Israel in 1968 that has a nail going through it.  The evidence suggests that both these bodies had been crucified…Read More