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September update

“For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.”  (2 Cor 4 v 5)

I have felt really challenged recently by these verses:
“We preach not ourselves” – what do we put at the centre of what we say, our stories, our testimonies – us? Or Jesus? What about our selfies…
“but Jesus Christ as Lord” – this hit Jews (He is the Christ, the one they had been looking for) and gentiles (He is Lord not the Roman Emperor). Do we show His relevance to everyone?
“Ourselves as your servants” – the word literally means slaves. That’s what we are to be. Why?
“for Jesus’ sake” – who came to serve and give His life for ours so we could then serve others.

Feel the challenge?

 August included…

Preaching at Broomfield Road Evangelical Church, Chelmsford on Just being nice? The power of encouragement through the life of Barnabas in today’s culture, which is the theme of their verse for the year.

Pub chat at The Fox and Hounds Pub, Wood Street – one great conversation with a couple about life, faith, church, voluntary work. I spoke at The Church of the Holy Spirit promoting these evenings with a couple of people interested in coming along.

Meeting with the Chelmsford Diocese Mission and Evangelism Advisor about possible training of local evangelists.

Meeting with St Michael’s Evangelism Team meeting to prepare for Mission Weekend in September, putting forward the need for training and prayer beforehand.

A good break!

September includes…

7th Sept Speaking at St Michael’s Galleywood about Pub chat evenings 10am / Pub chat evening 7pm
9th Sept Speaking at CGC Youth re Community week 7.30pm
10th Sept Meeting re CGC Community week 5pm
14th Sept Attending Q & A at Fox and Hounds 5.30pm
17th Sept Meeting with St Luke’s about Family mornings and other follow up after summer event 8pm

23rd Sept Meeting re Spirit of Life Festival 2015 in Chelmsford 7.30pm
27th Sept Helping at St Michael’s Galleywood Discovery trail mission day
28th Sept Leading evangelism training for leaders at CGC 12.30pm

Please pray that when there are opportunities, churches and Christians will fearlessly make known the gospel (Ephesians 6 v 19).

Is it too early for Christmas?

It is still just August as I write this, and I was in a shop today that had some Christmas stuff out! Is it too early? Many people say they get very busy and their diaries get very full in December. So why not make the most of the unique opportunity Christmas gives by getting some things in peoples’ diaries early? I had a chat recently with someone who is not a Christian but was complaining about the commercialisation of Christmas. So people are open – and it’s not too early to talk about it! It could be:

Organising a drinks morning for everyone in your street at your home or the local pub / coffee shop.
Suggesting a church social event to invite friends to before inviting them to a carol service. Invite them to the carol service even if they say no to the social event!
Deciding with older relatives for smaller or no presents this year with the saved difference going to a charity you agree on.
Speaking to the local supermarket or shopping centre about the church singing carols one Saturday before Christmas or offering to wrap peoples’ presents for free.

Only 115 shopping days to go from when this was sent out! May I be the first to wish you a very happy Christmas? Or perhaps I am not the first…

Recommended read: Fruitfulness on the Frontline (Mark Greene). Encourages all of us to make a difference where we are every day by our character, work, love, moulding culture, justice and being a messenger. Some great real life stories and watch for the supermarket queues and dentist illustrations – spot on! But we must remember the ultimacy of telling the gospel. We might not start with it but our aim must be to tell it or set it up for someone else to. Lots of good related resources at http://www.licc.org.uk/splash/index.html





If you would like regular evangelism ideas for you and your church, please sign up to receive the monthly update.

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