Hate preachers
“I hate preachers” is what a guy at work said to me recently.
He had asked “What are you doing at the weekend – going to church?” (He knows I do).
I had replied “Yes I am and I’m preaching this week” as I was interested in his reaction (I was preaching, I was not just making it up).
I did not expect quite that reaction and certainly not said with such force and tone.
“Why do you hate preachers?”
“I just hate them.”
“But there must be some sort of a reason or experience you have had?”
“They tell you what you have to believe.”
“No one can tell you what to believe. Belief is a choice.”
“Why do they want to tell us what to believe?”
“Because they believe it is true. And if God is true that that has a massive impact on all of us.”
We then had a whole conversation about God, the world and creation. Since then we have spoken again about why and how I became a Christian and the impact following Jesus has had on my life.
With God, a small seed can produce a big harvest (Matthew 13 v 23).
But we have to plant that seed.
The rest is up to Him.
Looking back:
Met with CGC Basildon leadership: good developments with a discipling evangelism model and plans for developing an ongoing evangelism team for the church.
Preached at Broomfield Road Evangelical church plus I have revisited their new church vision statement for them as the leadership continues to fine tune it for outreach.
Part of a team preparing and delivering training at St Luke’s to help new preachers give talks at family services. Family services are where most preachers start but with the range of people there they can be the hardest services to preach at!
Launched the next Chelmsford Diocese Certificate of evangelism training course in the autumn that I will be co-leading. Three people have already signed up.
Looking forward:
6th July Meeting with St Michael’s evangelism team. Having identified objectives last time, we will be working on an action plan to achieve them this time.
11th July Visiting CGC Basildon’s town centre outreach afternoon. Balloon modelling is not usually my thing but…
12th July Preaching at Great Leighs Free Church: we need to sow to grow.
18th July St Luke’s family outreach morning: summer starts here!
20th July Spirit of life festival review meeting.
25th July Second training morning with St Luke’s for helping new preachers at family services.
Summer is a time for you to…
Prayer walk around your area in the warmer weather.
Observe the places where people meet and hang out in your community. What could your church do to meet them where they are?
Be braver in what you say to someone you meet about your faith when you are away on holiday. You will (probably) never see them again!
Spend time with people who are not Christians just talking about life sitting outside a cafe or pub.
Having a rest.
I will be doing that in August so the next update will be in September.
In the meantime, it would be great if you could pray for:
Thanks for the churches and people I have been working with and pray that more people will hear and respond to Jesus as a result.
Balance between my school work and my evangelism work.
Wisdom for how and when to grow the work. We see that the need is there.
Protection and health for my family.
My personal witness to people I know and meet so I walk the walk not just talk the talk.
If you would like regular evangelism ideas for you and your church, please sign up to receive the monthly update.
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