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Evangelism Ideas

December 21 update

It is a while back since I last wrote anything here.  Covid lockdowns for churches plus a new job for me equalled work life took over for most of the year.  As it turned out that new job did not work out so looking to the future, I have started another new job – three jobs in just over a year is just not me but we are trusting God’s got the plan…Read More

Online outlook

Covid and lockdowns have pushed many of us online to do things we would never have thought of doing such as business meetings, church services, birthday parties and fitness classes.  But there are so many people already online. For example, 1.8 billion people across the word use Facebook on a daily basis.  That is more…Read More

December update

We love a good rags to riches story.  This time of year, is usually pantomime season (oh yes it is) (sorry) when we enjoy stories like Cinderella, Aladdin and Dick Whittington.  Then there are classic films like Rocky, Pretty Woman and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory.  All feature an ‘ordinary’, often hard-up person who through a combination….Read More

New normal evangelism

For months churches have been adjusting to life with Coronavirus – keeping in touch with people without seeing them, services online, recorded or hybrid, funerals and weddings with hardly anyone there remembering or celebrating.  But there have been some great encouragements of reports anecdotally…Read More

Summer update

COVID – 19 has hugely impacted people’s lives and communities in this country and across the world this year, with the changes and challenges it has brought to all of us, some temporary hopefully and some permanent painfully.  There have been times where it all has seemed dark but as always there has been light: individuals looking out…Read More

Extra – ordinary

Ever tasted a curry and found your mouth unexpectedly exploding with heat? Ever walked through a garden at night with lights without wires showing you the way? Ever seen a shop in the high street that was not there last month and isn’t there next month? Ever been amazed that your phone works in the middle of nowhere?…Read More

Are you ready?

As I write this, we are not yet at the peak of the coronavirus pandemic.  There will be more challenging, painful times ahead, even when we are past the peak, for all of us.  Many people are of course talking about longing to get back to normal life, including ‘church life’. Churches: let us not be re-active.  Let us not be on the…Read More

Spring update

I will be honest.  When I was given the title and text of the second greatest commandment, I was thinking what more or what new can be said about it?  It was for a service aimed for people on the edge of church admittedly but even so.  I was of course wrong on 2 counts. Once I started to look again into what loving your neighbour…Read More

January update

Thank you for your interest, support and prayer for my Evangelism consultancy work in 2019.  As always with an awareness of and focus on God, it has been a fascinating year.  Personally, the biggest change has been a change of job with leaving management in full time education in the summer and starting marketing at…Read More