Back to the future
It is a while back since I last wrote anything here. Covid lockdowns for churches plus a new job for me equalled work life took over for most of the year. As it turned out that new job did not work out so looking to the future, I have started another new job – three jobs in just over a year is just not me but we are trusting God’s got the plan and we are figuring it out.
This year has been quiet for Evangelism consultancy as you will see below. I have stayed in contact with churches that I have been working with, some of whom have been focusing on keeping things going in these times, some of whom I have done some preaching at, some of whom have been very quiet. I was starting to think that now that I have a better work – life balance, now Covid times are changing, what is the future? Then as so often is the case with God, a couple of things came together to point the way forward, as you will see below!
“He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.
To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.”
(Colossians 1 v 28,29)
Thank you for your ongoing support and prayers. May you and those close to you know the certainty of Christ at this uncertain Christmas time this year.
Back this year
Evangelism Group meeting
As a group of people involved in evangelism in our churches and communities in the Chelmsford area we have met online, in gardens and a pub this year depending on laws / restrictions / how people are feeling. We have decided meeting at a pub is the way forward for 2022. No, not for that reason. It is where other people are.
Broomfield Road Evangelical Church preaching
After many years of working with them, this was the last time as they are as they are merging with another church who want a base in Chelmsford. Please pray for this merge as both churches want to unite to reach out to the city.
Essex seeking
A group of Church leaders in Essex are planning on running a series of events to communicate the gospel to the people in the area. I went to a launch event at Billericay football club where they will be running the first event in July 2022. Please pray for this initiative for Essex.
Christmas proclaiming
I hosted one night of Life Church’s ‘Carols to you’ on the streets of Chelmsford where we played some carols on a brightly lit trailer and encouraged people to be ready for the message of Christmas whether they were in the street, at doors or in windows. I also spoke at their nativity church service about how the shepherds were ready (they were guarding their sheep) and not ready (for the angel or his message).
Future next year
Great Wakering Church meeting
Having spoken with them since before the first Covid lockdown, we are now looking at a meeting with the Church leaders in January about principles and strategies to help them reach out into their community. Please pray for the Church and that their desire to do this will result in lasting fruit.
Churches event speaking
I have been asked to speak at a teaching event for a group of churches next year. Date and theme to be confirmed but I expect something evangelism related…………
Great Leighs Free Church preaching
I have two preaching dates already booked for 2022 here. They had a good plan for outreach at Christmas in the village – a nativity scene, leaflets through doors and invites to their Carols services. Please pray as they increasingly engage with the people in the area including their youth work. Strange fact: I preached there earlier this month and they have recently put up a photo in their hall of all the people at Church on one Sunday in 2001. And I am there?!? I was the guest speaker on that one Sunday 13 years before I started speaking there regularly.
Life Church 2022 planning
After a lot of life online in 2020 and 20 21, we have planned to try and move people’s focus to help people outside the church encounter Jesus from 2022 onwards. We have a sermon series planned for January about why we should do it and how to with our friends and family, neighbourhoods and city. We are planning various ongoing ways to move things out from there such as adopting your neighbourhood and a WhatsApp group to encourage and equip people’s witness.
If you would like regular evangelism ideas for you and your church, recommended evangelism resources and updates about the work of Evangelism consultancy, please sign up to receive this update.
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