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Stronger together

Are you a team player or an independent worker?  I have heard arguments for both.  Independently, it is just about you, you don’t have to worry about relying on anyone else.  With a team it is not just about you, you an rely on everyone else.

Which are you?

Which are you when it comes to evangelism?

Of course, our personal witness to people around us in our daily lives is mostly independent.

But even then we are never alone (Matthew 28 v 20) and can support each other (Ephesians 6 v 18).

This is my phrase for 2023: Stronger together.

I am involved in Word on the Street, an initiative to talk with people in Chelmsford High Street about Jesus.  Having done 3 Saturdays in the Autumn last year, we have 3 new dates in the Spring and Summer.  It involves about 20 people from 10 different churches – Church of England, Elim, Independent, Evangelical, Charismatic, you name it.  Stronger together.

I heard recently about a Church planting initiative.  Usually these are based in the same denomination but this one is across different churches and denominations, working together to reach people away from the current churches.  Stronger together.

Transforming Essex is a group from across churches in Essex wanting to challenge people’s ideas of Essex but most of all, to challenge people’s ideas about Jesus.  They ran an outreach event last year, have another outreach event planned for this year, are supporting a hard reach area in prayer and have training planned that I am involved with to help Christians disciple people who are Christians and people who aren’t Christians.  Stronger together.

Christians Together in Chelmsford have a vision this year to pray for every street in the city, to pray for God’s blessing, an experience of God for people there and for people there to get saved through Jesus.  Could one church take on that vision?  Yes, but Stronger together.

What are you involved with in 2023 which would be stronger together?

Working with Christians from other churches and denominations to use their gifts, skills and time with yours for more impact, reach and resources.

Focusing on what unites us, not divides us.  Or should it be focusing on who unites us, not on what divides us.

How many churches do we see when we look at our local area, our county, our country?

God sees One Church.

Stronger together.

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