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Dot to Dot

Dot to Dot

  I like this real-life story from a nurse…

“One Valentine’s Day, a couple wearing very fancy clothes walked into the maternity ward. They had been on their way to get married, when the woman had suddenly gone into labour. They were very upset because they really wanted to tie the knot before the baby arrived. I asked if they had the marriage licence on them, and they did. I quickly called the hospital chaplain and drafted their obstetrician as the best man. I brushed my hair, put on makeup, and became a bridesmaid. We had the wedding right there in the hospital within a half hour of their arrival, and their daughter made her appearance 10 minutes later.”


Real life gets complicated.  Like Morecombe and Wise once said in one of their Christmas specials, it can be the right notes but not necessarily in the right order.

 It is the way of the Christmas story.

Mary and Joseph were engaged then found Mary was pregnant but before they had sex.  He was going to divorce her before they were even married (it was the way of the time).  An angel told them that the Holy Spirit had conceived the baby (that’s not a straight forward explanation for anyone).  They even knew they were going to have a boy before there were scans.

But the result is a Masterpiece:

 “Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”  (Luke 2 v 11)

 So when our lives and the lives of the people around us look and feel all over the page, look to and point people to the God who joins the dots up, dots that often don’t look like they can join up.

It is just often not the way we would do it.


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