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Evangelism Consultancy aims to help God’s Church communicate Jesus
to people who don’t believe in Him by:


Audio Speaker

Communicating Jesus does present a challenge in a technological age but God does still use the spoken word…



Most Christians know that they should share their faith but find it hard, so an evangelist’s role is to build up the body of Christ…



Paul in the Bible seems to have had a plan for evangelism but was open to the Holy Spirit’s prompting…



Much evangelism can be like putting a cup of coffee in the fridge: the temperature goes up for a while but it soon settles…

From the Blog

Talking Jesus

Talking Jesus was a national survey carried out by a group of Church leaders in 2015 asking people who were Christians and people who were not Christians about their attitudes to Jesus, the Church and conversations about faith. The survey was repeated this year and here are some highlights / lowlights that I picked out: …Read More

Cross reflections

Just before Christmas it was announced in the media that a heel bone had been discovered at a Roman archaeological dig in Cambridgeshire, England.  The heel bone was unique as it is the only one outside of one found in Israel in 1968 that has a nail going through it.  The evidence suggests that both these bodies had been crucified…Read More

December 21 update

It is a while back since I last wrote anything here.  Covid lockdowns for churches plus a new job for me equalled work life took over for most of the year.  As it turned out that new job did not work out so looking to the future, I have started another new job – three jobs in just over a year is just not me but we are trusting God’s got the plan…Read More

Ministry Newsletter

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"Nigel came to speak at a Faith Matters Days conference. Although highly recommended, he was rather an "unknown quantity". However, Nigel quickly put everyone at ease, and was very attentive to questions and comments from those attending; he gave us so much encouragements, facts, strategies and humour that we consider this a step-change for the UEC in its outreach ministries."

* Tearfund survey 2007