Evangelism Consultancy aims to help God’s Church communicate Jesus
to people who don’t believe in Him by:

Communicating Jesus does present a challenge in a technological age but God does still use the spoken word…
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Most Christians know that they should share their faith but find it hard, so an evangelist’s role is to build up the body of Christ…
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Paul in the Bible seems to have had a plan for evangelism but was open to the Holy Spirit’s prompting…
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Much evangelism can be like putting a cup of coffee in the fridge: the temperature goes up for a while but it soon settles…
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From the Blog
I remember watching Top of the Pops. It was once the only pop music programme on television – imagine that. I remember some iconic moments – Jeffrey Daniel from the group Shalamar doing robotic dancing, a guitarist falling over the drum kit and the lead singer of the band Culture Club Boy George’s first appearance. We had never seen…Read More
You never know when someone could ask you a question that could change their life. I have to be mindful working in a secondary school that there are many people around me with different views of life, in a structured environment with policies, procedures and guidance and with the shadow of social media…Read More
Are you a team player or an independent worker? I have heard arguments for both. Independently, it is just about you, you don’t have to worry about relying on anyone else. With a team it is not just about you, you an rely on everyone else.
Which are you? Which are you when it comes to evangelism?…Read More
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nigelbolitho.org"For those in the Church business I can thoroughly recommend Nigel's services."
Rev Andy Griffiths, Ordained Ministry Development Adviser & Continuing Ministerial Development Adviser for the Bradwell Area, Chelmsford Diocese
nigelbolitho.org"For those in the Church business I can thoroughly recommend Nigel's services."
Rev Andy Griffiths, Ordained Ministry Development Adviser & Continuing Ministerial Development Adviser for the Bradwell Area, Chelmsford Diocese
nigelbolitho.org“Nigel is an outstanding communicator. His enthusiasm and passion for preaching, teaching and training is evident to all and he has the capacity to engage, inspire and connect with people from both inside and outside the church.”
Pete and Nicki Sims, Senior Pastors, Skylark Church, Chelmsford
nigelbolitho.org"Nigel came to speak at a Faith Matters Days conference. Although highly recommended, he was rather an "unknown quantity". However, Nigel quickly put everyone at ease, and was very attentive to questions and comments from those attending; he gave us so much encouragements, facts, strategies and humour that we consider this a step-change for the UEC in its outreach ministries."
Howard R Gardner, Union of Evangelical Churches
nigelbolitho.org“Nigel takes the fear out of evangelism and puts the fun into it."
Martin Wilson, St Michael's Church, Galleywood, Chelmsford
nigelbolitho.org"The thing about Nigel is that he is not simply a theorist. His experience as a church leader in creating mission-focused communities brings an authority to his ministry. Added to this, I have personally benefitted from the passion, wisdom and intelligence he brings. I warmly commend him!"
Rev Gary Gibbs, Retired National Evangelism Director, Elim Pentecostal Churches